Saturday, November 27, 2010
Is he a spammer
Click this link in order to learn.
Apa kena mengena "Is he a spammer" dengan flash? Hehe, actually saya tak tahu any other alternative untuk download flash direct into my blog. Since file format .swf is not supported, so i need to find another way untuk upload semua tutorial yang saya dah buat dengan menggunakan flash.
How i upload my .swf into my blog?
1)From .swf format, i convert it using video converter. Lepas convert, file format will change from .swf into .avi
2)Bila file format dah dalam .avi, i upload it into my you tube account. Since saya tak ada account with you tube, so i need to create an account first.
3)After having my You Tube account, then i start uploading my video. After finish uploading the video, i copy the link into my blog post.
Rasa macam banyak steps yang saya kena buat untuk upload tutorial flash saya into my blog. Is there any of you yang ada simple and easy way untuk buat semua ni? Because right now this is what i can do. I already ask Mr. Google and he cannot give me a good answer. Plus, baru sehari saya guna You Tube, saya dapat respon dari somebody.

Ahahaha~ Saya tak tahu pula yang tutorial flash saya itu amazing. So bila orang dah puji, saya adalah juga perasaan nak tengok siapakah gerangan manusia ni. Then i start view his You Tube profile dan....

my name is khan and im not a terrorist
haha.. x tgk lg cte tuh..
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