Friday, January 6, 2012

Not my day

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Sepatutnya, saya harus membeli tiket KL-KB and return pula dari KB-KL. Tapi disebabkan kecuaian sendiri, makanya saya telah membeli tiket seperti dibawah ini. RM170 terbang macam tu je. Nak refund balik memang tak dapatla kan since beli dengan Air Asia. The customer service said that i need to buy again the correct ticket then i need to call them again in order to cancel the previous booking. They will refund back the money tapi bukan melalui my bank account. They will only credit it to my Air asia members account. So next time i want to purchase the ticket, i can just use my credited money.

Baru semalam bayar sesuatu berharga 6K dan hari ini hilang rm170. Cuai punya pasal. Lucky that my dad is willing to sponsor my chinese new year flight ticket. Next time if i want to purchase flight ticket i will MAKE SURE that i read first every single thing dengan penuh sabar before i click yes or done.



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