Friday, May 2, 2014

pengapit kali kedua!

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Dear readers,

Saya nervous nak kena jadi pengapit esok! Omaigod... i still remember 1st time jadi pengapit i accidently drop pasu bunga kat tepi pelamin. It was during my best friend wedding ok! Since dah jatuh i buat muka selamba suruh photograper angkatkan.

This time around, believe it or not, i siap googling do and dont's tugas pengapit. Come to my sense... hek eleh... wat rilex suda! Sleep well. Don't worry too much lah!...


Friday, May 2, 2014

Still exist!

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Yezza.. my hai goes to U and U... I can't believe that this blog is still exist. Last week I accidently read somebody else blog and it made me wondering whether does this blog still exist or not. Hurm... my last entry was on 2012. Itu pun pasal my niece. and now I already have 2 nieces. How time flies soooo fast.

BTW, nothing so surprise happen in my life. Actually I don't know ape motif datang kerja untuk hari ini while everyone are still in holiday mood due to labour day. Mungkin untuk tunggu parcel baju selamat sampai ke office.. hoho...

Booyeahhhh... life is not that fun.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Baby Girl.

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Dear readers, Syukur alhamdullillah. Hari ini secara rasminya saya telah menjadi seorang makcik kepada seorang baby girl seberat 3.3KG. Papa and mama is sooooo excited. Pukul 4.30AM siap SMS semua anak-anak telling us yang kakak dah selamat deliver baby pukul 2.30AM hari ini. Actually the whole family pun macam teruja since this baby ni we all punya anak saudara sulung merangkap cucu sulung papa dan mama. Nama baby ni memang unknown lg since the mother itself pun macam still tengah pilih nama untuk baby.
Dear baby.. makcik love's u so much!!! :)